The pro­tec­tion of your pri­vacy when we pro­cess your per­so­nal data is an important con­cern for us. When you visit our web­site, our web ser­vers auto­ma­ti­cally store the IP of your Inter­net ser­vice pro­vi­der, the web­site from which you visit us, the pages which you visit when you are on our web­site, as well as the date and dura­tion of the visit. This infor­ma­tion is essen­tial for the tech­ni­cal trans­mis­sion of the web pages and for secure ser­ver ope­ra­tion. No per­so­na­li­sed eva­lua­tion of this data is car­ried out.

If you send us data via the cont­act form, this data is stored on our ser­vers as part of the data back-up pro­cess. Your data will be used by us only to pro­cess your request. Your data will also be dealt with in the stric­test of con­fi­dence. It will not be dis­c­lo­sed to third parties.

Ratis­bona Ham­mer GmbH
Yorck­straße 22
93049 Regens­burg

Phone: +49 941 69877841

Personal Data

Per­so­nal data is data about your per­son. This includes your name, address and email address. You do not have to dis­c­lose any per­so­nal data in order to be able to visit our Inter­net site. In some cases, we need your name and address as well as fur­ther infor­ma­tion in order to be able to offer you the reques­ted service.

The same applies if we sup­ply you with infor­ma­tion mate­rial on request or if we ans­wer your enqui­ries. In these cases, we will always point this out to you. Fur­ther­more, we store only the data that you have sent to us eit­her auto­ma­ti­cally or voluntarily.

If you use one of our ser­vices, we gene­rally only coll­ect the data that is neces­sary for us to be able to pro­vide you with our ser­vice. We may ask you for fur­ther infor­ma­tion, alt­hough this is only on a vol­un­t­ary basis. When­ever we pro­cess per­so­nal data, we do so in order to be able to pro­vide you with our ser­vice or to pur­sue our com­mer­cial objectives.


Ser­ver log files
The web­site pro­vi­der auto­ma­ti­cally coll­ects and stores infor­ma­tion in so-cal­led “ser­ver log files”, which your brow­ser auto­ma­ti­cally trans­mits to us. These are:

  • Date and time of the request
  • Name of the reques­ted file
  • Page from which the file was requested
  • Access sta­tus (file trans­fer­red, file not found, etc.)
  • Web brow­ser and ope­ra­ting sys­tem used
  • Com­plete IP address of the reques­t­ing computer
  • Trans­fer­red data volume

This data is not com­bi­ned with other data sources. Pro­ces­sing is car­ried out in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 (f) GDPR on the basis of our legi­ti­mate inte­rest in impro­ving the sta­bi­lity and func­tion­a­lity of our website.

This data is tem­po­r­a­rily stored by us for reasons of tech­ni­cal secu­rity, in par­ti­cu­lar in order to pre­vent attempts to attack our web ser­ver. It is not pos­si­ble for us to draw con­clu­si­ons about spe­ci­fic indi­vi­du­als on the basis of this data. After seven days at the latest, the data is made anony­mous by shor­tening the IP address at the domain level, so that it is no lon­ger pos­si­ble to estab­lish a refe­rence to the indi­vi­dual user. The data is also pro­ces­sed in anony­mous form for sta­tis­ti­cal pur­po­ses; it is not com­pared with other data stocks or pas­sed on to third par­ties, even in the form of extra­cts. Only within the con­text of our ser­ver sta­tis­tics, which we publish every two years in our acti­vity report, is the num­ber of page views made known.


When you visit our Inter­net pages, we may store infor­ma­tion on your com­pu­ter in the form of coo­kies. Coo­kies are small files that are trans­fer­red from an Inter­net ser­ver to your brow­ser and stored on its hard drive. Only the Inter­net pro­to­col address is saved during this pro­cess – but no per­so­nal data. This infor­ma­tion, which is stored in the coo­kies, enables us to reco­g­nise you auto­ma­ti­cally the next time you visit our web­site, ther­eby making it easier for you to use our web­site. The legal basis for the use of coo­kies is the legi­ti­mate inte­rest pur­su­ant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

You can of course also visit our Inter­net pages wit­hout accep­ting coo­kies. If you do not want your com­pu­ter to be reco­g­nised upon your next visit, you can also refuse the use of coo­kies by chan­ging the set­tings in your brow­ser to “Reject coo­kies”. You can find out how to do this in the ope­ra­ting ins­truc­tions of your brow­ser. Howe­ver, if you reject the use of coo­kies, there may be rest­ric­tions on the use of some areas of our Inter­net pages.


This web­site uses Google Maps to dis­play maps and to gene­rate route maps. Google Maps is ope­ra­ted by Google Ire­land Limi­ted, Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dub­lin 4, Irland. By using Google Maps on this web­site, you agree with the coll­ec­tion, pro­ces­sing and use of the auto­ma­ti­cally coll­ec­ted data as well as the data you ente­red by Google or one of its repre­sen­ta­ti­ves or third party providers

Click here to view the data pri­vacy state­ment from Google Maps.


This site uses so-cal­led web fonts pro­vi­ded by Google for the uni­form dis­play of fonts. The Google Fonts are instal­led locally. A con­nec­tion to Google ser­vers does not take place.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on Google Web Fonts can be found at and in Google’s pri­vacy policy


We have taken tech­ni­cal and admi­nis­tra­tive secu­rity pre­cau­ti­ons to pro­tect your per­so­nal data against loss, des­truc­tion, mani­pu­la­tion and unaut­ho­ri­sed access. All of our employees and the ser­vice pro­vi­ders working for us are obli­ged to com­ply with the valid data pro­tec­tion laws.

When­ever we coll­ect and pro­cess per­so­nal data, it is encrypted before being trans­mit­ted. This means that your data can­not be misu­sed by third par­ties. Our secu­rity pre­cau­ti­ons are sub­ject to a con­stant impro­ve­ment pro­cess and our pri­vacy poli­cies are con­stantly being revi­sed. Please make sure that you have the latest version.

Affected Rights

You have a right to infor­ma­tion, rec­ti­fi­ca­tion, era­sure or rest­ric­tion of the pro­ces­sing of your stored data, a right of objec­tion to the pro­ces­sing as well as a right to data por­ta­bi­lity and a right to com­plain in accordance with the requi­re­ments of data pro­tec­tion law.

Right of infor­ma­tion
You can request infor­ma­tion from us as to whe­ther and to what ext­ent we pro­cess your data.

Right of rec­ti­fi­ca­tion
If we pro­cess your data that is incom­plete or inac­cu­rate, you may request that we cor­rect or com­plete it at any time.

Right to dele­tion
You can demand that we delete your data if we pro­cess it unlawfully or if the pro­ces­sing dis­pro­por­tio­na­tely inter­fe­res with your legi­ti­mate pro­tec­tion inte­rests. Please note that there may be reasons that pre­vent an imme­diate dele­tion, e.g. in the case of legally regu­la­ted sto­rage obligations.

Irre­spec­tive of the exer­cise of your right to dele­tion, we will delete your data imme­dia­tely and com­ple­tely, inso­far as there is no legal or sta­tu­tory obli­ga­tion to retain data in this respect.

Right to limit the pro­ces­sing
You can ask us to rest­rict the pro­ces­sing of your data if

  • you dis­pute the accu­racy of the data for a period of time that allows us to verify the accu­racy of the data,
  • the pro­ces­sing of the data is unlawful, but you refuse to delete it and ins­tead request a rest­ric­tion on the use of the data,
  • we no lon­ger need the data for the inten­ded pur­pose, but you still need this data to assert or defend legal claims, or
  • you have objec­ted to the pro­ces­sing of the data.

Right to data trans­fera­bi­lity
You may request that we pro­vide you with the infor­ma­tion you have pro­vi­ded to us in a struc­tu­red, com­mon and machine-rea­da­ble for­mat and that you may pro­vide that infor­ma­tion to ano­ther respon­si­ble per­son wit­hout our inter­fe­rence, pro­vi­ded that

  • we pro­cess this data on the basis of a con­sent given and revo­ca­ble by you or for the ful­film­ent of a con­tract bet­ween us, and
  • this pro­ces­sing is car­ried out using auto­ma­ted procedures.

If tech­ni­cally fea­si­ble, you may request us to trans­fer your data directly to ano­ther respon­si­ble person.

Right of objec­tion
If we pro­cess your data for legi­ti­mate reasons, you may object to such pro­ces­sing at any time; this would also apply to pro­fil­ing based on these pro­vi­si­ons. We will then no lon­ger pro­cess your data unless we can prove com­pel­ling grounds for pro­ces­sing worthy of pro­tec­tion which out­weigh your inte­rests, rights and free­doms or the pro­ces­sing ser­ves the asser­tion, exer­cise or defence of legal claims. You can object to the pro­ces­sing of your data for the pur­pose of direct mar­ke­ting at any time wit­hout giving reasons.

Right of appeal
If you are of the opi­nion that we vio­late Ger­man or Euro­pean data pro­tec­tion law when pro­ces­sing your data, we ask you to cont­act us in order to cla­rify any ques­ti­ons you may have. Of course, you also have the right to cont­act the super­vi­sory aut­ho­rity respon­si­ble for you, the respec­tive state office for data pro­tec­tion supervision.

If you wish to assert any of the afo­re­men­tio­ned rights against us, please cont­act our data pro­tec­tion offi­cer. In case of doubt, we may request addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion to con­firm your identity.


We reserve the right to change our pri­vacy poli­cies if this beco­mes neces­sary due to new tech­no­lo­gies. Please make sure that you have the latest ver­sion. If fun­da­men­tal chan­ges are car­ried out to this pri­vacy policy, we announce these on our website.

All inte­res­ted par­ties and visi­tors to our web­site can reach us con­cer­ning ques­ti­ons of data pro­tec­tion at the fol­lo­wing address:

Nico Becker
Pro­jekt 29 GmbH & Co. KG
Osten­gasse 14
93047 Regens­burg

Phone: +49 941 298693–0
Fax: +49 941 298693–16