Temporary living in Regensburg

You are looking for a temporary accommodation close to the boomtown Regensburg? We have what you are looking for!

Boardinghouse Außenansicht

Flexible, spacious and well located

The large house in Bar­bing offers enough space for up to 15 peo­ple. In addi­tion to the fur­nis­hed large eat-in kit­chen, a pan­try, three bath­rooms (shower, bath­tub, toi­let and washing machine), two guest toi­lets, two bal­co­nies, ter­race with brick bar­be­cue, gar­den and fit­ness room, the house has 6 rooms with 2–4 beds and each with a roomy clo­set. Of course, the dou­ble rooms can also be con­ver­ted into sin­gle rooms. In addi­tion, the house has seve­ral gara­ges and par­king spaces.

Umgebung Donau und Felder von oben

Quiet location

The large house is loca­ted in the middle of a recrea­tio­nal area: The Sar­chin­ger Wei­her and the Danube are in the imme­diate vici­nity. Thanks to the good trans­port con­nec­tions, the major employ­ers (Kro­nes, Con­ti­nen­tal, ams Osram, BMW) as well as the city of Regens­burg can be rea­ched in about 10 minutes.

Relaxation in the garden

In the large gar­den there is a bath tub. On the large ter­race with gar­den fur­ni­ture there are bar­be­cue faci­li­ties as well as a brick open fire­place. Here you can relax after a hard day’s work.

Badebottich im Garten
Fitnessbereich unterm Dach

Fitness Center under the roof

For those who want to keep fit, the in-house fit­ness room offers a cross trai­ner, rowing machine, weight bench as well as various free weights and dumbbells.

Sauna included

For those who want to do some­thing for body and soul in the cold win­ter months, there is also a sauna in the house. Hardy guests can cool off directly in the bath tub after the sauna…

